Fair and parties of Lorca 2018
Fair and parties of Lorca
It is called also big fair
It is celebrated in the last 10 days of the month of September in the Fairground of the Wheel.
The fairgrounds, the popular chiringuitos and music concerts are concentrated in it and make Lorca the ideal place for recreation, entertainment and fun.
The traditional fair of Lorca takes place during the month of September. In the fair of Lorca we can distinguish the small fair, which takes place the first days of September, which happens the big fair, which runs until the last days of that same month.
The one known as “Small Fair”
It is celebrated next to the convent of the Virgen de las Huertas with a few days around September 8, festivity of the Virgen de las Huertas, Patroness of the city.
The convent of the Virgen de las Huertas, ruled from medieval times by the Franciscan order, has exercised a strong attraction to the people of the city of Lorca.
The reasons are several. In the first place because it is the most beloved devotional center when the Patroness is here. For being, also, always, pleasant and peaceful landscape, located not too far from the city. And finally, for having been an active shopping center for two hundred years of our history.
Lorca, who enjoyed regularly since his reconquest -1244- of the protection and favor of the Castilian monarchs, had as a privilege since the time of Alfonso X a free fair, on the occasion of the festivity of San Martín (November), in which they did not pay no type of right the goods that were sold in it.
From this privilege there are subsequent confirmations that guaranteed to Lorca the continuity of a profitable business habit for the local economy, which gave output to the products of the land while allowing the inhabitants of the city to use the savings of the year to acquire, among others, unusual products that could touch the appellatives of “caprice” or “luxury”.
Almost entirely economic motives, apparently linked to the greater facility of the merchants to move with their merchandise in those dates, truncated a custom of hundreds of years, which modified the date of its celebration, passing from November to September.
It is also celebrated on these dates the pilgrimage of the Virgen de las Huertas, in which the image of the Patron is accompanied by a crowd of faithful in their transfer from their sanctuary to other temples in the city.
Coinciding with the September fair
The Handicraft Fair (FERAMUR) is also held in the Santa Quiteria fair, where products from artisans from all over the country and from invited nations are presented, as well as the very important National Fair of Swine Cattle (SEPOR), which since 1967 shows the studies, works and advances of this sector of so much importance for the local economy and the region.
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